Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

It is already Day 3 into the month of November and I officially suck at blogging. So let's make this quick and get ya'll up-to-date.

Quick Update:
1) I am graduating from college on December 18th, 2010
2) Applying to 8 grad schools and it sucks
3) Been single all through college and gained 10 lbs

On a happier note, I survived Las Vegas this weekend with mi amigas and it was an eventful one. Boy, let me be the first to tell you how creepy the boys are in Vegas. I was hoping to meet at least one decent guy. FAIL. Actually I lied, I did make one new friend and it was with the Roulette table. Started my last day in Vegas with a mere $300, decided my 100 dollar bills were lonesome in my wallet so went gambling and left with $900 (more than I came with might I add).

With no random hook-ups, no report STD's, a TCU victory and extra cash in my pocket, Las Vegas was a huge success. Shout out to all my ladies who was here with me.

What's going on today:
It is not my intention to use my blog to bash people so I will just keep my comments to a minimum. One of my sorority sisters has recently started dating a D-Lister of a celebrity. I wish ya'll both the best and I think you are a match made in heaven.

There. I'm done.

Things to come:


Happy Hump Day & check back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Are you talking about "Mississippi" as your one friend? Hahaha
