Friday, November 12, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Memory Lane Monday

If you haven't caught on yet, I like to get drunk and come up with stupid themes for different days on my blog. If you didn't already know, every Thursday is Video Blog Thursday and now every Monday will be Memory Lane Monday.

I went through my journal of Freshmen year and this is one of my favorite memories: Randy Rogers Band concert at Ridglea

All the girls and I went to the concert and of course smoozied our way to the front of the stage. All night I shared cigarettes (GROSS!) with the fiddle player, passing them back and forth on the corner of the stage. So freaking awesome.

After the concert, we were DETERMINED, to get on that tour bus and hang out with the band. Somehow we made friends with the stage manager who walked us out to were the bus was parked. The door of the bus slowly opened and I remember this old man staring at us very intently. As I walked passed him he said "You have a nice ass." And I replied smittenly, "Thank you, I am a TCU Cheerleader."

BAM! The drummer jumps up and yells back, "Hey! I used to cheer at Texas Tech." Oh imagine that, proving once again how small the cheerleading world actually is. I'm sure we have probably swapped spit in some round-a-bout way. But anyways, we exchanged stories and although I was in boots I did not fail to take a picture with him.

Enjoy :)

Weekend Recap

This weekend was quite eventful and I apologize for not updating sooner.

Saturday: No.3 TCU took on No.5 Utah and boy did our team show up. The girls and I watched the game at a local restaurant/bar where a fraternity had a bar tab=FREE DRINKS for us. Only bad news was the game wasn't that exciting because it wasn't much of a game.
After the game we went straight to Coopers BBQ down in the Stockyards. I don't know if I was drunk or I just ate too much too fast but the pork ribs and pork loin did NOT settle well in my stomach and within the hour I was puking.
So I missed the after party of the game, however, we had our own party once my friends got home from the bar. When my roomie arrived I had the Netflix all prepared to watch The Labyrinth.
You know the movies with David Bowie and the muppet goblins? Haha it was awesome. After the movie I was too scared to sleep in my bed alone, I had to do some recruiting for a sleeping partner.
Note: Men, girls don't want to CONVINCE you to sleep in the same bed with them. Be a man. Grow some balls and be aggressive.

Sunday: I worked a youth cheerleading competition in Lewisville and I OFFICIALLY have baby fever. They were to die for, I wish I had pictures to share. Other than that I had dinner with some friends and enjoyed a lovely night of football.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


No Intimacy November=failure after 1 day.

It starts officially again TODAY!

Video Blog Thursday!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Test Day

Leave it to me to have the WORST test day ever. Not only did I have to take my sister to the airport at 5 am but I didn't sleep AT ALL until I fell asleep at 6:30. Woke up 30 minutes before my test and you would think I had plenty of time to study since I stayed up all night. Nope. Epic failure. I have such bad ADD that I probably studied 30 minutes that night and studied when I was sprinting to class.

On a lighter note. I decided to make November

No Intimacy November

Which means exactly what it sounds like. I'm gonna do it old school for the month of November and only peck kiss/hold hands.

Place your bets now on how long this will last. Enjoy Hump Day everyone!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

It is already Day 3 into the month of November and I officially suck at blogging. So let's make this quick and get ya'll up-to-date.

Quick Update:
1) I am graduating from college on December 18th, 2010
2) Applying to 8 grad schools and it sucks
3) Been single all through college and gained 10 lbs

On a happier note, I survived Las Vegas this weekend with mi amigas and it was an eventful one. Boy, let me be the first to tell you how creepy the boys are in Vegas. I was hoping to meet at least one decent guy. FAIL. Actually I lied, I did make one new friend and it was with the Roulette table. Started my last day in Vegas with a mere $300, decided my 100 dollar bills were lonesome in my wallet so went gambling and left with $900 (more than I came with might I add).

With no random hook-ups, no report STD's, a TCU victory and extra cash in my pocket, Las Vegas was a huge success. Shout out to all my ladies who was here with me.

What's going on today:
It is not my intention to use my blog to bash people so I will just keep my comments to a minimum. One of my sorority sisters has recently started dating a D-Lister of a celebrity. I wish ya'll both the best and I think you are a match made in heaven.

There. I'm done.

Things to come:


Happy Hump Day & check back soon!